
A versão dos agentes da guerra fria sobre o “golpe” no Brasil

Artigo publicado hoje no site de notícias online journal da Strategic Culture Foundation por Nil Nikandrov, apresentado como um “analista e pesquisador independente”, mas ao que tudo indica um ideólogo a serviço da FSB (ex-KGB) que mantém o regime de Putin na Rússia, constrói a falsa versão de que o “golpe” no Brasil faria parte de uma estratégia para derrubar governos hostis aos USA. Segundo ele, os serviços de inteligência americanos estariam por trás da crise no Brasil. Tais serviços, que agora controlam os acontecimentos, forjaram provas contra as lideranças do PT, altos funcionários da Petrobrás, a presidente Dilma e o ex-presidente Lula, como parte de uma operação para minar o regime hostil. O artigo está reproduzido abaixo.

Estava demorando. Como se sabe,  as duas principais ameaças à liberdade e à paz no plano global são, hoje, as tentativas (capitaneadas por Putin) de reeditar a guerra fria e a política de blocos e o crescimento do jihadismo islâmico.

O neo-expansionismo russo e as tentativas da FSB – via Putin – de reeditar a guerra fria e a política de blocos dos anos 1950-1990 são ameças reais à democracia. Vladimir Putin, no poder desde meados de 1999, tem forte base social nos países da ex-URSS. As casas mais modestas, nos distantes rincões siberianos, têm sua foto na sala de jantar. Sua popularidade é altíssima na Rússia e seu governo talvez supere hoje os 80% de aprovação. Até as crianças brincam de guerra dizendo que Putin vai levar a Rússia à vitória contra o Ocidente. O governo de assassinos da FSB – erigido na Rússia no dealbar do século 21 para durar indefinidamente – não quer uma guerra contra os países ocidentais, que sabe que não pode vencer (inclusive porque não há qualquer indicação de que a China entraria em tal aventura, pelo contrário). O que ele quer é articular e consolidar uma espécie de novo bloco contra-hegemônico (contra os USA e União Europeia), capturando para sua esfera de influência alguns países da ex-URSS (notadamente a Ucrânia e outros Estados mais frágeis já anexados), alguns países do Oriente Médio onde ainda conta com governos aliados (como a Síria), e da Ásia e da África e os novos governos bolivarianos da América Latina, sob influência de Cuba e de seus aliados (incluindo, se possível, Argentina e Brasil – pretensão agora frustrada, mas não definitivamente, com a vitória de Macri sobre o kirchnerismo e o afastamento constitucional de Dilma). Nada indica que Putin vai abandonar suas tentativas de reeditar a guerra fria – ou de “construir um novo muro de Berlim”, como acusou em 2014 Tenzin Giatso, o XIV Dalai Lama – de vez que elas são funcionais para autocratizar o regime e consolidar uma hegemonia de longa duração sobre a sociedade russa a partir do Estado controlado pela FSB.

Não há no horizonte solução fácil para conter o neo-expansionismo russo. As sanções econômicas impostas pelos USA e pela Europa não tiveram o efeito previsto de retirar a base de apoio dos novos oligarcas – os bilionários russos – ao governo da FSB. A Rússia de Putin, que a partir de meados da década passada já era uma protoditadura, hoje já pode ser caracterizada, para todos os efeitos, como uma quase-ditadura ou uma ditadura de novo tipo (como é a Venezuela, por exemplo). Essas ditaduras de novo tipo revelaram a evidência terrível de que uma força autocrática organizada e socialmente enraizada que chega ao poder pelo voto, não sai do poder apenas pelo voto. Ainda que cerca de 10% da população russa, que vive em Moscou e nas grandes cidades, não concordem com as pretensões de Putin, não há indicações de que a situação atual possa ser revertida no curto prazo. Não há experiência democrática da sociedade russa suficiente para configurar uma resistência democrática eficaz.

E não vai demorar muito para que os militantes do PT e dos demais partidos estatistas aliados comecem a divulgar amplamente – como fazem os dirigentes e militantes bolivarianistas (já declarou Maduro na Venezuela) – a versão de que o suposto golpe no Brasil foi obra da CIA (ou dos serviços de inteligência autocrática americanos). Explica-se. O que une esse pessoal é a visão estatista do mundo. A via neopopulista (na qual se enquadram o chavismo e outros bolivarianismos e o lulopetismo) é basicamente um estatismo. E os militantes estatistas (como os militantes do PT) – para os quais o muro de Berlim não caiu ou não deveria ter caído – são agentes da guerra fria.

O putinismo é uma ameaça guerreira. O neo-expansionismo russo é uma expressão de estatismo (a política de blocos de uma nova guerra fria aponta para uma espécie de pan-Estado hemisférico ou mundial). É claro que no mundo do século 21 tal projeto tem poucas chances de se realizar no plano global. Mas é ele que alimenta o poder autocrático local, nos Estados-nações que o abraçam. Leiam o artigo desse delinquente político Nikandrov (na foto abaixo).

Nikandrov Dagobah


Brazil: US Special Services Behind the Turmoil

NIL NIKANDROV | 17.05.2016

No doubt, US special services are behind the crisis in Brazil. Now they continue to control the events. Compromising evidence against the leadership of the Workers’ Party, the top officials of Petrobras, a state-owned oil company, and the inner circles of President Dilma Rousseff and former President Lula da Silva has been leaked as part of an operation to undermine the «hostile regime».

In the eyes of President Barack Obama and his administration, the largest Latin American country is a hostile state because it dares to implement independent policies. The US goal is to subjugate the ruling elite of Brazil and make it dance to the US tune.

This turn of events has been predicted by a number of Latin American presidents, including Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Evo Morales of Bolivia and Tabaré Vázquez of Uruguay among others. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro put it bluntly saying the events in Brazil are nothing else but a coup d’état staged by the US. According to Maduro, the attack against Dilma Rousseff threatens democracy in Brazil. It is also directed against such regional organizations as Celac (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), Unasur (the Union of South American Nations), as well as public and political movements protecting people’s interests. Maduro called on all left-wing movements in Latin America to join together and protest against the smear campaign against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. The Venezuelan leader believes they must act to protect peace and prosperity on the continent.



The compromising evidence (real and fabricated) used against the Brazilian leadership had been obtained by the US National Security Agency (NSA) before Snowden escaped to make his revelations public. The information was spread around through controlled media to destabilize the country’s political and public life. It will make it easier for Washington to have its people appointed to key positions. The so called «constitutional procedures» to dismiss Dilma Rousseff are nothing else but a camouflage to cover the creeping coup d’état. Obama will go to any length to achieve the goal before his tenure expires. He may even order to stage a Maidan in Brazil, if need be.

Some people among the US embassy staff, as well as in American consulates spread around the country, are already working to carry out the assigned mission.

Liliana Ayalde, the US ambassador to Brazil, started her career path as a Senior Assistant Administrator for the Latin American and Caribbean Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) coordinating important development assistance programs in Haiti, Mexico, and the Caribbean. She is a member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Career Minister having been posted in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Colombia, and Washington, D.C. with USAID. It means she closely coordinated her activities with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other special services. Between 2008 and 2011 she served as the US Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay preparing to overthrow President Fernando Lugo. In June 2012 the parliament of Paraguay impeached the President. Back then, Brazil protested. The Brazilian government noted that the President was deprived of his right for defense. According to the constitution, the Vice President of Paraguay took the highest office in the country. Lugo called the impeachment a coup d’état staged against the will of the people. By and large, the same scenario is taking place in Brazil.

Andrew Bowen is the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Brasilia. He knows a lot about Latin America. Prior to arriving to Brazil, Andrew was the interim Deputy Chief of Mission and Director of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) Affairs Section at the United States Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. His previous assignments include Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico and Honduras. About fifty people work in economic and political sections of the US embassy mainly used for secret CIA operations. One of them is Alexis Ludwig, Political Counselor, who was involved in well-known scandals in Bolivia and Argentina. Some people working for special services are known for their vigorous activities, including public affairs officer Abigail Dressel, legal attaché Steve Moore, financial management officer Gwendolyn Llewellyn, USAID director Michael Eddy – the list can go on.

Dilma Rousseff had to step down «temporarily». She called the decision a «political farce» and a «coup». Leaving the presidential palace, she called her removal from power an act of «sabotage» and a tragic day for young Brazilian democracy. Rousseff said it was not her suspension from the office, but the respect for election results, the will of people and the constitution that mattered. «I may have committed mistakes, but I never committed crimes», she said. «It’s the most brutal thing that can happen to a human being – being condemned for a crime you didn’t commit. No injustice is more devastating».

Rousseff struck a defiant tone, condemning the «treachery» of those who sabotaged her government and vowing to fight on against the coup.

Vice President Michel Temer, who was elected on Rousseff’s coat-tails in 2014, became Acting President. If he ran for office, he would never get more than 2 percent of the votes. He is a kind of a man who always knows where the wind is blowing. Temer is also known as a master of compromise able to form coalitions. Back in the 1990s his Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) cooperated with the Brazilian Social Democracy Party led by former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. In 2003 PMDB formed a coalition with the Workers’ Party headed by Lula da Silva.

Temer formed a new government. One of the first steps was to reduce the number of ministries from 32 to 24. There are no women in the new cabinet. There was no such discrimination in the government of Dilma Rousseff. «Trust me», he said in his emotional inaugural speech at the Planalto presidential palace. «Trust the values of our people and our ability to recuperate the economy». «My first word for the people of Brazil is the word ‘confidence», he said vowing national salvation. «Confidence in the values that form the character of our people, the vitality of our democracy», he added, with an acknowledgement that «it is urgent we pacify the nation and unite Brazil. It is urgent to create a government of national salvation».

He spent most of his speech talking about the damaged Brazilian economy, vowing to renew trust in the country on the part of foreign investors and attract corporations that could provide jobs and take the burden off the government. He did not elaborate on foreign policy issues. He is expected to be a pro-US leader.

Temer is the son of Maronite Lebanese immigrants. He is a lawyer, who chairs the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party the largest party in Brazil. In the 1980s he served as State prosecutor and twice as State Secretary for Public Security, in both capacities working in São Paulo. That’s when he established close ties with the US embassy.

He took the office of Vice President after standing as the running mate of the Workers’ Party candidate Dilma Rousseff in the 2010 election. Actually, he was a US Trojan horse in the administration. His party left the government coalition after the Petrobras scandal broke out.

It should be added that he barely avoided an investigation over testimony implicating him in the Petrobras graft scandal.

The impeachment of Dilma Rousseff paved the way for neo-liberal reforms focused on privatization of state companies. The United States will take an active part in the process. The people who have come to power in Brazil are involved in corruption scandals, but this time their integrity is not questioned by the US.

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